Nurul Adiningtyas, Reno Rinaldi Setiawan


Densus 88 is a unit of the Special Detachment of the Indonesian National Police which deals with acts of terror in Indonesia. The Detachment 88 unit operates based on the Indonesian National Police Act number 1 of 2002 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of terrorism and law number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police. Terrorism is a crime that disturbs the security and peace of a country. Acts of terrorism have an impact in various aspects such as economic, social, cultural and others. The purpose of this study is to describe the sources of stress experienced by members of Densus 88 in handling terrorism cases. This study seeks to find out more about how the subject handles the stress he experiences while carrying out his duties, what aspects affect the stress he is facing and changes in behavior while dealing with terrorism cases. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, namely generating and processing descriptive data, such as interview transcripts, field notes, photos, video recordings and so on. Of the two types of Coping Stress: Problem Focused Coping and Emotional Focused Coping, there are similarities between the 3 Subjects, which is Positive Appraisal. In the four subjects, all of them did the same Positive Appraisal coping, namely praying to God Almighty as a form of gratitude and always thinking positively by being in a positive environment

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