Karisma Riskinanti, Agus Widodo


Background: Each student always dreamed to be graduated on-time. From statistic data Effectivity Education Rate (EER) the Department of Psychology at Mercu Buana University Jakarta showed that the graduation rate of students majoring in psychology was below the average percentage of graduation rates for Mercu Buana University Jakarta students in general. From several factor influenced the graduation rate for students, grit could be one of the important factors causing the percentage of EER,

Research Purpose: so this study designed to see a descriptive figure the difference of grit level among students majoring in Psychology, Mercu Buana University Jakarta. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance to achieve the goals, in this study related with the graduation rate of students majoring in psychology.

Methodology: This study using descriptive study. The 146 respondents in this study consisted of 30 men and 116 women. The data collected was processed using One-way ANOVA for comparing mean.

Instrument: The questionnaire used in this study was The Grit Short Scale (Grit-S) by Angela Lee Duckworth.

Result: The results of the study show that there was difference in grit in students related to work status and there was no difference in grit in other aspects being compared. The results showed the highest mean 3.6 and after compared with Duckworth samples, it was 40% the lowest of all the Duckworth samples mean.

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