Pandu Kharisma Sari Sugiyanto


Background : In government agencies such as the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, one of the benchmarks for achieving the organization's vision and mission is highly dependent on the quality of its human resources, including the work performance of the employees themselves. In this regard, the perception of democratic leadership style is one of the factors that can affect employee performance. In addition to the perception of democratic leadership style, work motivation also affects employee performance.

Research Purpose : The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perceptions of democratic leadership style and work motivation with work performance on employees of the BMG (Meteorological and Geophysical Agency) Personnel Section.

Methodology : Quantitative research with survey methods and descriptive data processing with correlational testing.

Instrument : The study tool uses two scales: the work motivation scale, which has 36 items, and the perception of democratic leadership style, which has up to 42 items. For all instrument analyses, Microsoft Windows SPSS version 15.00 was utilized.


Population and sample : 128 individuals who worked for the BMG (Meteorology and Geophysics Agency) personnel department made up the study's population. 97 participants were chosen as samples using the Krecjie table, and 30 subjects tested the study instrument. simple random sampling strategy for sampling.

Analysis : Analysis of data using descriptive analysis and correlational using Pearson correlation test

Result : The results of the data analysis show that there is a significant positive association between work motivation and work performance (r = 0.611, p=0.000, p0.05) and that there is a relationship between perceptions of democratic leadership style and work performance (r = 0.373, p = 0.000, p 0.05). Perceptions of democratic leadership style and work motivation were found to be correlated with work performance using the double correlation formula (R = 0.636, R2 = 0.405, p = 0.000, p 0.05). The hypothesis test indicates that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Therefore, there is a connection between employees of the BMG (Meteorology and Geophysics Agency) staffing section's job motivation and performance and the democratic leadership style of their superiors.

Implication : Based on the study's findings, it can be said that employee performance at the BMG (Meteorological and Geophysical Agency) is significantly correlated with perceptions of democratic leadership style and job motivation.

Keywords: Perception Of  Democratic Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Work Achievement

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