Andy Yulius Canser, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani


The number of layoffs during the COVID-19 endemic phase has made employees worried about their future.

Research Purpose: This research aims to determine whether there is a role between organizational climate as a mediator of the relationship between work engagement and career competency among workers in Jakarta.

Methodology: This study uses a quantitative descriptive method.

Population and Sample: The number of samples in this study were 665 respondents to workers in the endemic period in the Jakarta area.

Instrument: The measuring tools used in this study are the career competencies (CSQ) tool developed by Akkermans, Schaufeli, Brenninkmeijer, & Blonk. The Work Engagement Scale (UWES) developed by Schaufeli & Bakker, and organizational climate developed by Putter. Analysis: PROCESS V3.5 Procedure for SPSS from Andrew F. Hayes is used in this study to analyze the mediation regression process. This research shows that organizational climate acts as a mediator that connects work engagement and career competency, based on this, the relationship between work engagement and career competency is increasing with the role of organizational climate.

Implications or advantage of research: It is hoped that this research can provide guidance to workers and management in Jakarta that it is important to understand the values of organizational climate, work engagement, and career competency so that they can take adaptive actions to changes in the transition period from epidemic to endemic.

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