Vivica Vanya, Patricia Carmel, Virginia Kezia Senduk, Marcelino Ega Putra Lapian


Educator’s productivity is one of the factors that could affect the success of an academic institute. Educators are considered successful if they reached the standardization of academic institute. The lower rate of the educator’s productivity will affect quite a lot factors such as, the academic institute’s accreditation is decreasing, poor student quality, not achieving the goals set by the academic institute, etc.

One of the factors that could affect the educator’s productivity is the works hours. Work hours set by the academic institute needs to be adjusted with the work-load given to the educators. In general, the load and responsibilities given to educators are inappropriate and didn’t follow the sets work hours by the academic institutes which could bring up trouble for the educators, such as educators working over time to finished their work-load.

Therefore, we decided to do research on the effect of work hours towards the productivity of educators. In this research we decided to collect the data by using the productivity method, where we could measure every aspect that could become the indicator. This way we could prove whether or not the effect of work hours on the productivity of educators is valid.

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