Agnes Meiliana Wijaya


ABSTRACT: This research is motivated by the many cases of suicide committed by students during the implementation of online learning. Thus we wanted to examine how much impact distance learning has on increasing stress levels. Online learning is a learning method that is carried out remotely through several platforms such as Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, and others. This study aims to show an increase in stress on students as a result of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The technique used in data collection is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is correlational analysis. The results of this study can be concluded from the results of the correlation calculation using the f test, it is found that fcount is greater than ftable then the decision H0 (no significant effect) is rejected and Ha (there is a significant effect) accepted, it can be interpreted that Distance Learning or Online affect stress levels. The study concluded that there were factors of economic concern, concern for family and self health, academic delays, limited social interaction and reduced employment opportunities, signal disturbances and unstable internet, and difficulties in adapting the transition from offline classes to online classes. It can be concluded that only one subject did not experience stress because the score obtained based on the questionnaire was <20. Meanwhile, to be able to say the stress score must be > 20.

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