Studi tentang sifat korosi dan kekerasan dari material baut dan mur lokal

Wedi Mulyono, Hadrianus Sangian, Usman Sudjadi


Bolts and nuts are metal types that are often used in everyday life. Even in use, it is often used in open-air conditions. This study aims to determine the value of the corrosion rate of local product bolts and nuts in the medium of acid (H2SO4), alkaline (NaOH), and seawater solutions. This research was conducted to simulate corrosion resistance and material hardness against corrosive media in a very simple way. This experimental method by immersing all (total) bolts and nuts into a solution in this case the solution used is a solution of acid (H2SO4), alkaline (NaOH), and seawater. The experimental process was carried out 2 (two) times. The first experimental process was carried out for 3 x 24 hours (3 days) and the second experimental process was carried out for 6 x 24 hours (6 days). The results of this study indicate that among the corrosive media used, the one with the greatest influence on corrosion and resistance to the material is the acid solution (H2SO4). This is clearly seen in the macro and micro-observations.


Metal bolts and nuts; Corrosion; Material hardness; Sulfuric acid (H2SO4); Alkaline (NaOH); Sea water

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