Rancang bangun tiga susun turbin angin sumbu vertikal dengan jumlah sembilan bilah menggunakan metode vdi 2222

Frengki TogaRaja Malau


Energy, both non-renewable energy (fossil) and renewable energy (EBT) have a very important role in human life. Many community businesses are powered by energy, especially electricity. It is the main task of the government to provide electrical energy which continues to increase from time to time. The development and design of a VAWT that is in accordance with the geographical conditions of Indonesia and is able to operate with an average wind speed of 4-5 m/s in the territory of Indonesia. Knowing the optimal design and dimensions of the VAWT type wind turbine with a wind speed of 4-5 m/s. Getting the maximum optimization of the triangle wind turbine by using a combination of shaft and blade triangle. The process of designing a vertical axis wind turbine uses a method combined with the VDI 2222 design method. This method begins with the planning process to produce product specifications and their technical demands to the completion process to produce concept drawings and detailed drawings. The wind speed and ratio are the actual wind data during the field test. From the results of the wind speed field test, the ratio in the turbine test at Muara Baru Harbor from wind speed with a maximum Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) at a maximum wind speed of 4.6 m/s, this is due to the determinants of TSR such as wind speed and rotation, so that With increasing turbine rotation, the resulting TSR will increase. The maximum TSR value at a maximum speed of 4.6 m/s is 0.47 TSR, while the lowest value at a wind speed of 1.6 m/s is 0.16 TSR. In this design, the VAWT turbine can rotate and function at an average wind speed of 4-5m/s for use in the geographical area of Indonesia.


VAWT Tiga Susun,Triangle, VDI 2222, Tip Speed Ratio, RPM

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/jonem.v1i2.15354


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