Rheza Mahesa


Many industries use conventional machines to create surface roughness during the machining process, but as technology and market demand evolve, many processes are no longer feasible. This is due to the limitations of traditional machines. In this case, the industry employs Special Purpose Machines to carry out processes that conventional machines cannot, such as in the shock breaker manufacturing industry. However, the cutting process parameters, namely spindle speed and feed rate, must be considered during the process. This will have an effect on the value of the surface roughness generated. Surface roughness is very important in the shock breaker. Aside from that, cutting time is an important consideration in manufacturing.

The effect of spindle speed and feed rate on the surface roughness produced by the BTA Tongtai Special Purpose Machine with AC2B aluminum material with a specimen size of 25 x 241 mm will be tested in this study. The experimental method is employed.

               The spindle speed and feed rate on the BTA Tongtai special purpose machine can affect the AC2B aluminum roughness results, according to the findings of this study. The results of surface roughness, spindle speed and feed rate on the BTA Tongtai special purpose machine can affect the AC2B aluminum roughness results, according to the findings of this study. The results of surface roughness produced with variations of spindle speeds of 1200, 2450, and 3600 rpm that were tested using a surface tester revealed that spindle speed parameters of 1200 and 3600 rpm were used to produce a small surface roughness.


Surface roughness; BTA Tongtai special purpose machine; Spindle speed; Feed rate Alumunium AC2B


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/jonem.v1i3.17541


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Journal of New Energies and Manufacturing (JONEM),
Published by:
Universitas Mercu Buana

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Journal URL: https://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jonem

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