Pola Perilaku Konsumen Di Era Digital Melaui Media Sosial Instagram Terhadap Fashion Luxury Brand
Tak luput dari tren, Indonesia pun memiliki ekosistem produk fesyen mewah yang solid. Preferensi konsumennya pun bergeser. Kalau dulu banyak orang Indonesia memburu barang bermerek preloved(bekas), kini mereka semakin mampu membeli yang baru. Permintaan akan barang baru dari merek prestisius (blue-chip brands) meroket dari tahun ke tahun, khususnya di tataran e-commerce. Tahun lalu, total transaksi barang branded naik 37% dibandingkan periode sebelumnya, sedangkan total pembelanjaannya melesat 50%. Tren konsumsi barang-barang bermerek dengan harga fantastis itu terungkap dalam laporan Asia Luxury Index 2016 yang dilansir Reebonz, situs belanja online terbesar di Asia khusus untuk segmen produk fesyen prestisius
Perilaku konsumen berkaitan dengan komunikasi pemasaran karena dengan menganalisis perilaku konsumen maka diketahui informasi mengenai bagaimana konsumen mengambil keputusan dalam melakukan pembelian suatu produk atau jasa. Informasi tersebut diperlukan dalam mencari factor-faktor penyebab seorang konsumen membeli atau tidak jadi membeli dengan memperhatikan adanya perbedaan harapan dan kebutuhan konsumen.
Dengan definisi kamus sederhana, kata "mewah" sering mengacu pada sesuatu yang dianggap lebih bersifat indulgensi daripada sebuah kebutuhan, sesuatu yang diinginkan yang memberikan kesenangan dan kenyamanan namun sulit didapat dan seringkali mahal (TheFreeDictionary.com, n.d.). Untuk menguraikan definisi ini, ahli kemewahan Kapferer dan Bastien (2012) menyiratkan bahwa konsep kemewahan berkaitan dengan "pengalaman atau produk hedonistik yang dibuat dengan harapan" yang dihargai secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada nilai fungsional yang akan disarankan, dan bahwa distribusi barang sengaja dibatasi untuk mempertahankan citra eksklusif. Oleh karena itu, memiliki produk mewah yang diinginkan oleh orang lain membuat konsumen merasa istimewa, dan bertindak sebagai alat pembedaan sosial dan komunikasi status.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan deksiptif yaitu penelitian yang memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca dan mengungkapkan suatu masalah, keadaan, peristiwa, dan bagaimana adanya mengungkapkan fakta secara detail. Sedangkan, menurut Bagdan & taylor (dalam Moleong, 2002), yang dimaksud penelitian kualitatif adalah prosedur penelitian yang menggunakan data deskriptif berupa katakata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati.
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“Luxury Brand Exclusivity Strategies – An Illustration of a Cultural Collaboration”; Anita Radón, PhD Post Doc, Journal of Business Administration Research Vol. 1, No. 1; 2012
Abstract This paper examines how luxury fashion brands renew themselves in order to balance the exclusivity that is associated with luxury goods and with profit maximization. Using consumers’ demand theory it is shown how luxury fashion brands go through different phases to renew the perception of exclusivity. A proposed model for the stages a luxury brand goes through to keep up the perception of exclusivity is provided. The focus is on identifying how luxury fashion brands renew themselves in order to create a perception of exclusivity and scarcity. The limitations of the study is that research has yet to be done on how consumers of luxury fashion goods perceive these efforts put forward by luxury fashion brands. Problems associated with luxury fashion brands, theoretically as well as on a practical level, and the crucial need for a perception of exclusivity and how this perception can be maintained are addressed. This paper contributes to the specific, and still limited knowledge on how luxury brands are dynamic and their need for consistency together with renewal and change.
Keywords: Luxury brand, Fashion, Exclusivity, Scarcity, Brand strategies
“Measuring Perceptions of Brand Luxury” , Johnson, Lester W; Vigneron Franck , Journal of Brand Management, July 2004 ; Volume 11 Number 6, P 484-508
“Dynamics of Female Buying Behaviour: A Study of Branded Apparels in India”, Namita Rajput, Subodh Kesharwani & Akanksha Khanna, International Journal of Marketing Studies; Vol. 4, No. 4; 2012 ISSN 1918-719X E-ISSN 1918-7203 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Abstract Consumer market for fashion apparel has become more varied by in surge of designer brands, store brands, personalisation, customs and advertisement in the global market place of today. A clear understanding of preferences of consumers will help the marketer to attract and maintain their target consumer group. The purpose of this study is to examine Indian female consumers buying behaviour and deeply understand the key factors of branded clothing which influence female consumers’ involvement towards stylish branded clothing. It was found in the study that there is a complete awareness of the branded apparels amongst females and their shopping behaviour reflect that they buy these products occasionally. Females have particular perspectives and motives behind their purchases. The culture is shifting towards buying from the malls because of shopping experience the consumers get. The most important source of information was found to be family and friends followed by internet and advertisement. It is observed in the study that Price, Fitting, Income Level of consumers are significant factors and some factors which are found to be insignificant are Status, Durability, and celebrity endorsement, hence can be ignored by the apparel retailers in their efforts to tap and capture the market. As a retailer of apparels, all these insights have to be embedded in the policy formulation to make the purchases a real time customer delight.
Keywords: fashion brands, consumer behaviour, female consumer, apparel market, celebrity endorsement
“Identification and Motivation of Participants for Luxury Consumer Surveys Through Viral Participant Acquisition”, Klaus Heine, The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Volume 8 Issue 2 2010 (pp.132-145), available online at www.ejbrm.com , ISSN 1477-7029©Academic Conferences Ltd
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/marcommers.v12i1.3042
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