Progam Caring Untuk Merentensi Pelanggan Telkom Flexi

Tri Diah Cahyowati, Mutiara Leinsove Sara


GIStomers ore the most important CSFiect of a bust', less. Company^ success in prouiding customer sati^faction is highly dependent on the @6nit:I to sati$1^ customers and ultimately to retain its customers. PT. Talkomunikosifndonesia is a company engaged in thefteld of telecommunications services. Related in thenIce of competition CD^,;!4. -based telecommunication business which currently tight, PT. Talkom South Jakarta to implement a strategyCttstomerRetentionMorketing (CRM)to keep customers Flea'. Flexi'customersin maintaining the Talkor, IFle, cz'implement Marketing costomerRetentionintheformqfaretentionprogrom calledCaring Program24. fntheCaringProgromis24TelkontFle:c, ' make customer retention t^ff'orts, cmong others, streamline and improue the uoriot, s channels ofir!formotion Gridcommttnication with customers, to establish interaction and improue relations with customers.



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Sumberlang onmunmnovo. coin/Customer-Retention-more. him downloadja ^L. 56 tangga129 Ag:ustus 2007Http://id. wikipedia. org/Ividi/Mariajemenhubunganpelanggan downloadjam 16. x8 tangga18 Juli2007 WWW, telkomflexi. coindownloadjam 11.55tangga129Agustus 20



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