Merpsy Journal is an open-access journal that publishes empirical research aimed at advancing our understanding of theoretical issues in the field of psychology with an approaches model of biology, psychology, and social aspects that are interrelated and interact with each other to enable research renewal discussions that can generate new ideas in terms of theory and application. Merpsy Journal is currently managed by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta and jointly published with Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN). Since 2021, Merpsy Journal has officially published both the printed (p-ISSN: 2985-3788) and the online versions of the articles (e-ISSN: 2964-920x).
Merpsy Journal accepts both quantitative and qualitative research from a wide range of scholars, including Indonesian researchers and researchers aboard. We focused on the investigation of clinical, social, physiological, and industrial in psychological approach perspective and seek to develop psychology as both basic sciences as well as applied science. Merpsy Journal is published bi-annually, in May and November. We welcome submissions from scholars, including students, whose work shares relevance to our focus and scope, the manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template. Merpsy Journal adheres to the high standard of the publication process by abiding by the double-blind peer review process to maintain a fair and indiscriminatory submission process. Submissions are open at any time.

Perubahan Jumlah Terbitan Artikel Merpsy Journal |
Mulai edisi Mei 2023 (Vol 15, No 1, 2023) jumlah artikel yang diterbitkan di Merpsy Journal bertambah dari 6 artikel menjadi 8 artikel per edisi. |
Posted: 2024-01-01 |