Communication Strategy of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Public Relations in Conveying Measured Fishing Policy

Djoko Arye Prasetyo, Heri Budianto


In the era of open information, the role of Government Public Relations (GPR) is essential in conveying messages and information regarding government policy that will regulate people’s livelihood. Furthermore, GPR also plays a role as a strategic element in supporting the success of such policy. However, realizing GPR's strategic role is not simple. This is because government policies are not always interpreted positively by the public, even though they are aimed to improve people's welfare. The purposes of this research are to find out the role of Bureau of Public Relations and Foreign Cooperation of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan/KKP) as one of the GPR elements in composing messages and conveying information about Measured Fishing Policy (Penangkapan Ikan Terukur/PIT) as well as what kinds of communication strategies are used in responding to the PIT polemic. To explore the issues raised, this research uses a constructivist paradigm through the operationalization of descriptive qualitative methods with a case study approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by conducting interviews and direct observations in the field as primary data and studying related literatures as secondary data. Whereas the data analysis technique used consists of three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. As for checking the validity of the data, a triangulation technique is used which focuses on the examination techniques by utilizing data sources. As an academic basis, this research uses SWOT Analysis and Environmental Communication Theory to discuss the role of GPR in delivering government policy information to the public, and at the same time offers an element of novelty in academic discussions regarding GPR communication strategy in Indonesia. As the result, it can describe the role of BHKLN in conveying information about PIT, as well as kinds of communication strategies used in responding PIT polemic


government public relations; communication strategy; environmental communication

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