Determination of the parameters of the firefly method for PID parameters in solar panel applications

Machrus Ali, Hadi Suyono, Muhammad Aziz Muslim, Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal, Yanuar Mahfudz Safarudin, Aji Akbar Firdaus


The optimal performance of solar panels is very important to produce maximum electrical energy. Solar panels can work optimally when equipped with a solar tracker. The solar panel tracker works by following the sun's movement. A Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) based control is used to optimize the performance of the solar tracker. An optimal tuning is needed to get the PID parameter. The Firefly method is an intelligent method that can be used to optimize PID parameters. Three Firefly Algorithm (FA) parameters are used in the program: Beta is used to determine firefly speed, Alpha is used for flexibility of movement, and Gamma is used for more complex constraints or problems. This Dual Axis photovoltaic tracking study uses the beta value determination, changing the Bêta value from 0.1 to 0.9. From the results of 10 models, it was found that the PID constant values were varied. On the horizontal Axis, the best results are if the Beta is given at 0.4, and the worst result is if the Beta is given at 0.8. On the vertical Axis, the best results are if the Beta is given at 0.3, and the worst result is if the Beta is given at 0.8. 


Dual Axis Tracking; Energy Conversion; Firefly Algorithm; Photovoltaic;

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Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mercu Buana
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p-ISSN: 1410-2331
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Journal DOI: 10.22441/sinergiCreative Commons License

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