Model predictive control with exogenous auto-regressive model to improve performance in the CO2 removal

Abdul Wahid, Nisa Methilda Andriana Rodiman, Alifia Rahma, Arshad Ahmad, Andri Kapuji Kaharian


Model predictive control (MPC) is used in the CO2 removal process in the Subang field to improve its control performance. MPC is used to maintain the CO2 concentration at the sweet gas output by controlling the feed gas pressure (PIC-1101), makeup water flow rate (FIC-1102), and amine flow rate (FIC-1103). The empirical model applied to MPC to represent the process model is the auto-regressive exogenous (ARX) model. The ARX model is compared with the first order plus dead time (FOPDT) model based on the root mean square error (RMSE) between the model and the actual process, then MPC parameters are tuned which include sampling time (T), prediction horizon (P) and control horizon (M) to control for the three variables. Improved control performance is measured based on the integral square error (ISE). The results show that the ARX model is the best model for the CO2 removal process with an RMSE value of 35%-91% smaller than the FOPDT model. The optimal control parameters Prediction Horizon (P), Control Horizon (M) and Sampling Time (T) in the CO2 removal process are 75, 25 and 1 on PIC-1101, 25, 10 and 1 on FIC-1102, and 30, 25 and 1 on FIC-1103. The MPC-ARX (MPC using ARX model) can improve the control performance of 33% in the servo control and 6-56% on the regulatory control. However, not all of them showed an increase in control performance improvement from previous studies even though they had used the best model (ARX). This is due to the MPC parameter setting that is not yet appropriate, so it needs to be retuning.


Auto-Regressive Exogenous; CO2 removal; Model predictive control; Regulatory control; Servo control;

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