Akkapurlaura Akkapurlaura


Society in general already knows global warming or the greenhouse effect is caused by polluted air due to motorized fumes. The presence of city parks, urban forests is considered sufficient reduce this pollution. In several scientific articles, it is stated that microalgae have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide is more optimal than trees in urban forests. On the other hand, Virtual Reality (VR) are the one of the entertaining learning media. How to educate the public and visitors to be more aware of the importance of maintaining good water in ponds, rivers, and beaches not polluted. The method by way of counseling, training, and mentoring the use of VR media to the city community who visited Menteng Park. Community Service involves students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Trisakti University to be able to do internships in the creative industry PT. Vastu Prajna Vatayana. So this program is one part of Merdeka activities Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM). The results show a positive response towards making This media is a medium that can be commercialized with Jakpro as a BUMD owned DKI Jakarta Government. Children who are visiting Menteng Park understand the content, entertained, and recorded for what has been educated. VR media become interactive media in creative and interesting learning.


Interactive Learning; Virtual Realit

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