Putri Deviyeni, Zamralita Zamralita, Daniel Lie


There are 22.5 people with disabilities in Indonesia, but in 2021 the number of people with disabilities who are in employment will be 5.37% or 7.04 million people of the total number of workers in Indonesia. Employees with disabilities have different characteristics from employees in general. Psychological well-being for employees is a view of support received, accessibility and equality in work environment, social support from colleagues, as well as better opportunities for self-development. There were 81 participants in this study. The criteria for participation were employees with disabilities, employees working at PT. X, employees with at least SLB/SMK/SMA/equivalent education and employees who had worked at the company for at least one year. The measurement instrument used in this study is psychological well-being scale (PWBS), which is based on Ryff's dimensions of psychological well-being. It has a total of 45 statement items. The results of the normality test show that the research data have a normal distribution. The research result shows a high level of psychological well-being (M=4.03) with dimensions of variable autonomy (M=3.87), environmental mastery (M=3.95), personal growth (M=4.10), positive relationship with others (M=4.07), life purpose (M=4.06) and self-acceptance (M=4.06). This research found no differences in psychological well-being based on gender, age, tenure and disability categories, but significant differences based on education level, employment status and marital status using the independent samples t-test dan ANOVA.


psychological well-being; persons with disabilities; employee

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