The global COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted healthcare delivery, with mental health services facing the compulsion to innovate rapidly. This scoping review aims to systematically gather literature-based evidence that can guide governments and healthcare providers in their response to the mental health needs arising during the pandemic. Using a scoping review methodology, this study aggregates and examines data on mental health services for individuals with mental disorders amid the COVID-19 crisis. A strategic search across electronic databases such as ScienceDirect, Ebscohost, and Google Scholar utilized key terms "People with Mental Illness AND Health Service AND Pandemic COVID-19," in addition to Indonesian equivalents, to ensure a comprehensive collection of relevant articles. Selection criteria were strict, focusing on primary research, English-language, full-text articles published within the years 2020 to 2021. Upon analyzing six pertinent journal articles, it was determined that there has been a notable shift towards the utilization of online platforms for delivering mental health services during the pandemic, complementing the persisting, albeit limited, offline, in-person services conducted under stringent health safety protocols. This adaptation reflects the resilience of the mental health sector in maintaining service delivery amidst the constraints imposed by the ongoing health emergency.
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