THE INFLUENCE OF BRAND AMBASSADOR CHARISMA ON PRODUCT IMAGE Survey on the Infuence of Najwa Shihab as Brand Ambassador on Nah Project’s Sneakers

Prida Ariani Ambar Astuti, Katharina Georgina


One of the government’s eforts to invite the Indonesian people to love domestic products is to encourage people to become brand ambassadors for local products by using Indonesian products. Brands are believed and proven to infuence a company’s success. Brands can be a strength and a diferentiating element for a company against its competitors in the eyes of consumers. This research was conducted to know whether brand ambassadors’ charisma can infuence the brand image of local products. Brand ambassadors can help build a stronger emotional relationship between a brand or company and consumers. Brand ambassadors will indirectly improve product image, impacting purchasing decisions and product use. Based on the data fndings, it can be concluded that the use of brand ambassadors infuences brand image. The three indicators of the brand ambassador variable: credibility, charisma, and control, signifcantly afect the Nah Project brand image with Najwa Shihab as the brand ambassador. The brand ambassador’s charisma is the most infuencing indicator of brand image. Therefore, the selection of brand ambassadors must be based on the criteria of a person who is known to the public, understands issues that are trending in the community, is stunning, attracts attention, and is brilliant.

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