International Humanities and Applied Science Journal

Journal titleInternational Humanities and Applied Science Journal (IHASJ)
Print ISSN2655-6553
Online ISSN2622-5808
Accreditation StatusSinta 5 Acreditated Journal, No. 200/M/KPT/2020
Frequency3 issues per year (April, August, and December)
DOI Journal10.22441/ihasj by Crossref logo 
OAI Journal by OAI 
Editor-in-chiefDevy Mawarnie Puspitasari
PublisherUniversitas Mercu Buana
Cite AnalysisGoogle Scholar, Sinta
IndexingGoogle Scholar, Garuda Ristekbrin, Sinta

International Humanities and Applied Science Journal (IHASJ), published online version, is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (April, August, and December) by the International Class of Universitas Mercu Buana. IHASJ is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on humanities and applied science. IHASJ invites manuscripts in the humanities topics such as management, business, accounting, communication, psychology, art and design, and also applied science such as; computer science and engineering. The papers are written in English, using APA citation style and single-column layout.

EISSN : 2622 - 5808

PISSN : 2655 - 6553


Journal Homepage Image


All papers are expected to follow the house-style and the author should provide contact information (e-mail and phone number) for the purpose of communicating about the paper. The paper should be submitted through the online submission system.

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The International Humanities and Applied Science Journal (IHASJ) of Universitas Mercu Buana was published in English. It is expected that the authors submit the paper in English.



Call for Editorial Member/ Reviewers


Call for Editorial Member/ Reviewers Submitting your Application. If you would like to apply for an Editorial Board Member position on the journal, please contact the Editor, including your CV and a brief covering letter detailing why you are a suitable candidate to [email protected]. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page and should cover where you believe the research field is going (and the journal's place within it), as well as details of any previous relevant journal editorial and peer review management experience.

Posted: 2021-07-12
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Volume 5, Issue 3, 2022

Table of Contents


1 - 8
Andre Ludya Liap
9 - 14
Ida Laela
15 - 27
Paromauli Manurung, Mas Wahyu Wibowo
28 - 40
Imelda Rahmawati Khaerudin
41 - 54
Alverina Agusta Sitio
55 - 67