Analysis of Financial Knowledge Factors, Financial Attitude and Financial Behavior Toward User Financial Technology (Fintech) Decisions At Mercu Buana University

Dwi Adiningsih, Rizka Irawati, Tasya Andini Putri


One of the latest technological developments in Indonesia is financial technology or Financial Technology (Fintech). In the current era of modern technology, the use of money in physical form has begun to be eliminated with more modern technology, namely digital wallets. Fintech payment offers an easy method of financial technology and the use of money that becomes more practical and efficient. Fintech is also seen as a new market that integrates finance and technology and replaces traditional financial structures with new technology-based processes. Fintech can provide services with ease and minimize costs compared to traditional methods that already exist. The purpose of this research is to find out how the influence of financial literacy on the decisions of users of financial technology (Fintech) in the city of West Jakarta. The sampling method in this study is a quantitative method with an associative approach. The sampling technique used in this study was non-probability sampling using accidental sampling.


Financial Literacy, Financial Technology

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