Effect of Exchange Rate, Interest Rate and Return On Asset on Stock Return

Evita Nurmadeas Trajadi


This research aims to analyze the influence of exchange rate, interest rate, and Return On Asset (ROA) on stock return. Population in this research is Banking companies that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. Population in this research is 111 companies. The sample used is 32 companies. The sampling method used Purposive Sampling Method (non-probability). The method of data collection used is archive data collection techniques (documents). The data analysis method used is descriptive statistical analysis techniques, data panel regression & hypothesis test. This study proves that exchange rate has a negative impact on stock return. Interest rate has a negative impact on stock return. Return on Asset (ROA) has no effect on stock return. 


Exchange Rate; Interest Rate; Return On Asset; Stock Return

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/indikator.v6i3.15457


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