Journal title | Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Science (JIESS) |
Initials | JIESS |
Print ISSN | 2722-7499 |
Online ISSN | 2722-7111 |
Accreditation Status | Accreditated Sinta 3rd, Decree No:No. 225/E/KPT/2022 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (May & November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jiess by |
OAI Journal | by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Shinta Melzatia, S.E., M.Ak. |
Publisher | IAEI Komisariat - Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Dimension; Garuda; Crossref; BASE; ROAD; Worldcat; Scilit; IOS Perpusnas |
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences (JIESS) is a peer-reviewed journal that has focused on primary studies at Islamic Economics (Management & Business, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneur) and Social Sciences (Tourism, Culture, Psychology, Education, and Sociology) from Islamic Perspective for initiating the development of global economic advantages. JIESS is dedicated to provide an intellectual space of scholarly discussion on how the Islamic economics are able to create the new global formation of Islamic economics, business and similar issues.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences (JIESS) is available in a Print version and Online version published by IAEI Komisariat Universitas Mercu Buana and was regularly published 2 (two) times in 1 (one) year, ie in May and November.

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The Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences (JIESS) of Universitas Mercu Buana was published in English. It is expected that the authors submit the paper in English.
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Posted: 2021-08-01 | More... |
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Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Table of Contents
Ahmad Shaifull Anuar, Zakaria Bahari, Caturida Meiwanto Doktoralina
R. Seenivasan
Damai Deha, Muhammad Iqbal Fasa, Suharto Suharto
Muhammad Fakrur Rozi
Djati Karnadji, Willy Arafah, Agustinus Sri Wahyudi
Hilmy Baroroh
Aldila Nur Rafika Putri, Yayuk Sri Rahayu