Proses Kreatif Iklan televisi Simpati Ektra Versi Mertua

Dwi Irmawaty Gultom, Jefri Roberto Gala


Ad competition mobile operators currently uery tight, each mobile operator to qff'er the product through 60!h the teleuision media, radio and print media to attract audiences. Aduertising through the medium of teleuision to make a wider range of broadcasting and makes the characters become more dime. Inept, TPOseqfthisstttd!liraorderto knowthestttge^of the creatiueprocess ofSimpotiEkstra "Father-in-Low"uersion TV aduertisement. The creatiue process underlying the creation of rid simPATfExtra-towsin the prtuoteteleuisionuersioniLiasstarte from a giuen client creatiue bric:fs, brainstorming, shooting, approued b!! the client and broadcasting aduertisements on
teleuis, bn.


ad creative process

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