The Influence Of Organizational Communication Climate On Employee Performance At PT Rifan Financindo Head Office Axa Tower Unit, Kuningan South Jakarta
This study aims to determine the significant influence of organizational communication climate on employee performance at PT Rifan Financindo, head office Axa Tower unit Kuningan, South Jakarta. This research uses survey methods with quantitative approaches and positivistic paradigms. The population in this study are all employees of PT Rifan Financindo head office unit Axa Tower Kuningan South Jakarta starting from the level of Business Consultant (BC), Senior Business Consultant (SBC) and Manager as many as 155 people with Proportional Stratified Random Sampling sampling techniques. The results showed that the organizational communication climate variable had a significant effect on employee performance. The conclusion of this study is that organizational communication climate variables simultaneously affect employee performance variables.
organizational communication climate, employee performance
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