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TERAKOTA : Jurnal Poster Arsitektur, Interior dan Rancang Kota

Journal titleTERAKOTA : Jurnal Poster Arsitektur, Interior dan Rancang Kota
Online ISSN 3031-6715
Accreditation StatusNon Accreditad Journal
Frequency2 issues per year (August and February)
DOI Journal 
Editor-in-chiefEndah Mustikowati, S.T., M.T
PublisherUniversitas Mercu Buana
Cite Analysis 
TERAKOTA : Jurnal Poster Arsitektur, Interior dan Rancang Kota is an architecture poster journal publication in colaboration of Department of Architecture in Engineering Faculty at Universitas Mercu Buana with TA committee. TERAKOTA is a scientific publication and communication media of architecture final works

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