FOOD AS IDENTITY AND VILLAGE BRANDING OGAN ILIR Case Study of Pindang Pegagan in Meranjat III Village, South Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra

Sumarni Bayu Anita, Lishapsari Prihatini, Budi Santoso


This study analyzes food as the identity and becomes village branding of Ogan Ilir by taking a case study of Pindang Pegagan in Meranjat III Village, South Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. The relationship between food identity construction and village branding is investigated based on the identity theory and village branding theory. From this analysis, the research fndings show that the construction of identity and village branding of Meranjat III Village, South Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra towards Pindang Pegagan is specifcally built through the history of the existence of its community originating from Pegagan Tribe with the natural conditions of the village fowing through it. Ogan River produces a lot of fsh to be processed into a variety of foods such as Pindang Pegagan. This afects the social behavior of the people of Meranjat III Village in everyday life, especially in the culinary aspect, and the reciprocal binding relationship between residents and immigrants to introduce the village through food which at the same time to love Ogan Ilir Regency itself.

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