- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Indexing and Abstracting
- Plagiarism Policy
- Publication Ethics and Allegation of Misconduct
- Editorial and Publishing Process
- Article Processing Charges (APC)
- Repository Policy
- Article Withdrawal Policy; Corrections and Retractions
- Copy Editing and Proofreading
- References Management
Focus and Scope
International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) aims to attain the state-of-the-art in theory and applications of mechanical engineering and advanced materials. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academia all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in the field.
The journal publishes research manuscripts dealing with problems of modern technology and considers activities such as design, construction, operation, environmental protection, etc. in the field of mechanical engineering and advanced material science/engineering, such as,
- Power engineering
- Energy and thermal engineering
- Aerodynamics and fluid mechanics
- Renewable energy
- Structural and mechanical design
- Electronic materials
- Energy materials
- Engineering materials
- Functional materials
- Materials interfaces
- Optical materials
- Automotive and vehicle engineering technology
- Mechanical and structural vibrations
- Process engineering and industrial management
- Industial engineering and production management
- Mechatronics, robotics, and automation
- Control system/engineering
- Machine learning
- Energy management, energy efficiency policies, and energy system studies
- Agricultural engineering and mechanization
- Environmental protection engineering
- Health and safety in engineering
- Applied computational in engineering problems
- and other related branches
Submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed; accepted papers will be available online (free access) as well as in printed version (for subscription, contact [email protected]).
Section Policies
This section is reserved for editors
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
Upon receiving a new manuscript, the Editorial office conducts initial pre-refereeing checks (including similarity checking) to ensure the article is legible, complete, correctly formatted, original, within the scope of the journal in question, in the style of a scientific article and written in clear English. Any article that has problems with any of the above criteria may be rejected at this stage.
Articles passing successfully through the pre-refereeing stage then begin formal double-blind peer review.
Research papers submitted for publication in IJIMEAM are generally sent to two or more independent referees who are asked to report on the quality, novelty, scientific rigour, significance to the field and presentation.
Referees are selected from our reviewer database and we try to find the best combination of scientific expertise and referee experience for each paper.
Complete Peer Review Policy can be found in this page: https://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/ijimeam/pages/view/review-policy.
Overall Guideline for Reviewer, including checklist, can be found in this page: https://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/ijimeam/pages/view/review-guide.
Publication Frequency
IJIMEAM publishes three issues annually, with new editions released in April, August, and December. Each issue presents cutting-edge research, reviews, and technical papers that contribute to the ongoing development of the field. We are committed to maintaining a transparent and efficient review process, promoting the advancement of knowledge through scholarly communication.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
IJIMEAM Journal by Universitas Mercu Buana is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More about LOCKSS...
The information regarding LOCKSS Publisher Manifest can be found HERE.
Moreover, IJIMEAM employs electronic backup and long-term digital preservation for the journal's contents, which are freely accessible through
- CORE (COnnecting REpositories) It can be accessed at THIS LINK.
- Universitas Mercu Buana Repository System. It can be accessed at THIS LINK.
Indexing and Abstracting
The goal of the journal is to be indexed by Scopus, Web of Science (SCIE), JSTOR, ProQuest, PubMed, and other reputable databases. Currently, IJIMEAM is Abstracted and Indexed in: Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions, Base, etc.
Plagiarism Policy
By submitting your manuscript to the journal, it is understood that this work is an original and unpublished manuscript, and it is not under consideration elsewhere. The journal strictly prohibits plagiarism, including duplicate publication of an author's own work, whether in whole or in part, without proper citation.
Plagiarism is committed when one author uses another work (typically the work of another author) without permission, credit, or acknowledgment. Plagiarism takes different forms, from literal copying to paraphrasing the work of another.
- Literal copying is reproducing a work word for word, in whole or in part, without permission and acknowledgment of the original source. Literal copying is obvious plagiarism and is easy to detect by comparing the papers in question.
- Substantial copying is reproducing a substantial part of a work, without permission and acknowledgment of the original source. In determining what is “substantial,” both the quantity and the quality of the copied content are relevant. Quality refers to the relative value of the copied text in proportion to the work as a whole. Where the essence of a work has been reproduced, even if only a small part of the original work, plagiarism may have occurred.
- Paraphrasing; copying may take place without reproducing the exact words used in the original work, i.e. without literal or substantial copying. This type of copying is known as paraphrasing, and it can be the most difficult type of plagiarism to detect.
IJIMEAM will immediately investigate and reject papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism. IJIMEAM investigation on suspected plagiarism will be based on COPE's guidance:
IJIMEAM utilizes iThenticate or Turnitin (or a similar) originality checking software to identify textual similarities within article manuscripts and the final versions prepared for publication. A maximum similarity threshold of 20% is allowed for submitted papers. Should we detect a similarity index exceeding 20%, the paper will be promptly rejected by the editor.
About the Crossref Similarity Check service, please visit: https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/
For a searchable list of all journals in the Crossref Similarity Check database, please visit: www.ithenticate.com/search
Related to plagiarism issue, IJIMEAM retraction policy can be found at: https://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/ijimeam/pages/view/article-withdrawal
Publication Ethics and Allegation of Misconduct
The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal adheres to Publication Ethics and Allegations of Misconduct, as detailed HERE.
Editorial and Publishing Process
This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. The detail can be found HERE.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
IJIMEAM being a nonprofit Journal, currently does NOT charges publication/processing fees from the Author(s). NO subscription fees is levied for Libraries / Individuals. NO fees is levied for accessing published articles.
IJIMEAM, as an independent scientific open-access journal, receives full support from Universitas Mercu Buana for the publishing process. However, no interventions are allowed to influence editorial decision-making.
Repository Policy
IJIMEAM permits authors to deposit all versions of their work in an institutional or subject repository. This policy sets out the ways in which IJIMEAM journal authors can self-archive versions of their work on their own web pages, on institutional webpages, and in another repository. Further explanation can be seen in the table below.
Article Version | Personal Website | Institutional or non-Commercial subject-based repository | Commercial platforms and social media |
Author original Version (AOV) | At any time | At any time | At any time |
Accepted Manuscript (AM) | At any time | At any time | At any time |
Version of Record (VOR) | At any time | At any time | At any time |
Article Withdrawal Policy; Corrections and Retractions
IJIMEAM has established policies for handling article withdrawal, retraction, removal, and replacement. These standards are outlined in our policy guidelines HERE.
Copy Editing and Proofreading
Every article accepted by IJIMEAM Journal shall be an object to Grammarly® writing-enhancement program conducted by IJIMEAM Journal Editorial Board.
About Grammarly program, please visit: https://www.grammarly.com
References Management
Every article submitted to IJIMEAM Journal shall use reference management software e.g. EndNote, Zotero, or Mendeley.
More about Mendeley, please visit: https://www.mendeley.com/
More about EndNote, please visit: http://www.endnote.com