Afina Nisa Aulia, Gregorius Prasetyo Adhitama


The traditional Sunda Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community is considered to have achieved food independence because each citizen has sufficient food supplies for the next few years. This community has rules related to food processing, such as storing rice in leuit (barn), pounding rice in saung lisung, and cooking rice in goah (cooking area) according to the teachings of their ancestors (tatali paranti karuhun) and the rules that bind them (tilu sapamilu). The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between the use of leuit, saung lisung, and goah by the community with their success in managing food. So this study is an ethnographic study using qualitative methods with data obtained from field observations, interviews with indigenous experts and local residents, and literature data. The data were analyzed using the theory of the meaning of the environment and architecture of Amos Rapoport, where understanding the meaning of the environment is important so that the physical environment such as buildings can be identified functionally, the value and meaning of their existence. This theory is supported by Edward Relph's theory of space and distance, which states that space has a unique quality where space is able to "command", focus human intentions, experiences, and actions spatially. This study also uses the elements of tatali paranti karuhun and tilu sapamilu to understand the meaning of existence from the perspective of the Sundanese Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community. The results of the study found that each process of rice processing in leuit, saung lisung, and goah became a complete unit and had to be carried out according to ancestral teachings which could not be replaced by modern technology. So that the three buildings are integrated, where the rules for storing rice, calculating when and how much rice is pounded, and the amount of cooking rice are fixed rules. The existence of permanent regulations on paranti karuhun and tilu sapamilu makes leuit, saung lisung, and goah a social institution for the people of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar in terms of food. This makes this community very careful in calculating daily food needs so that it is not excess or lacking and with it this community is able to manage food properly to achieve food sovereignty.


meaning of existence; leuit; saung lisung; goah; food security; Sunda Kasepuhan Ciptagelar


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