Peningkatan Produktivitas Pemasaran Produk UMKM Pempek Acen dengan Pendekatan Analisis SWOT dan DMAIC

Fandy Liyanto, Yohanes Dicka Pratama


After conducting interviews it is known that the marketing activities implemented by
Pempek Acen SME’s have not been running optimally so that it causes the low profits
obtained by Pempek Acen SME’s. To formulate an appropriate marketing strategy, a SWOT
analysis is carried out to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
Pempek Acen SME’s. Then an improvement is made using the DMAIC structure. First the
identification of current conditions at SMEs is carried out, then measurements are made to
select the issues to be overcome, then analyze the main causes of problems using a fishbone
chart, then improvements are made. Implementation of improvements carried out include
conducting promotional activities using social media, making coupons for customers who
buy back Pempek SME’s Pempek Acen products and adding pempek variants to Pempek
Acen SME’s products. After the implementation of the improvement, there was a decrease in
the gap between the number of products produced and sold, an increase in the level of
customer loyalty and an increase in productivity of 1,10235 to 1,13714 after implementation
of the improvements. From these data, it can be seen an increase in productivity by 0.03479
or equivalent to 3.479%.


Marketing Productivity; SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats); DMAIC

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