Effect of Pouring Temperature Variation on Cooling Rate, Hardness and Microstructure of Al-Zn in Aircraft Structures

Arif Pambekti, Agung Prakoso, Okto Dinaryanto, Andinusa Rahmandhika, Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin


Al-Zn alloys are widely utilized in industries such as automotive, aircraft manufacturing, and advanced military equipment due to their exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. Among various fabrication methods, metal casting is a commonly used technique for producing structural components from these alloys. However, a significant challenge with metal casting is the reduction in mechanical properties compared to the base material before melting. This reduction highlights the need for research to identify the optimal casting conditions, particularly the casting temperature, which plays a crucial role in maintaining and potentially enhancing the material's mechanical properties. Aluminum alloy 7075, known for its high strength, was selected for investigation. According to the Al-Zn phase diagram, the melting point of aluminum alloy 7075, based on the weight percentage specified by the Standard Aluminum Association, is approximately 660°C. Experiments were conducted by varying the pouring temperature during casting in 30°C increments above this melting point. Specifically, the alloy was melted and cast at three different temperatures: 690°C, 720°C, and 750°C. The mold temperature was consistently maintained at 220°C to isolate the effects of the pouring temperature. Results indicate that increasing the casting temperature significantly affects the alloy's microstructure and mechanical properties. As the casting temperature increases, the cooling rate decreases, leading to a finer grain structure. This finer grain size directly contributes to an increase in hardness, suggesting that higher casting temperatures can enhance the mechanical properties of Al-Zn alloys. These findings emphasize the importance of precise control over casting temperatures to optimize the performance characteristics of aluminum alloy 7075 in high-strength applications.


Al-Zn alloy; temperature varia-tion; cooling rate; hardness; microstructure

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/ijimeam.v6i1.23945


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