


To: Dear Mr./Mrs. Author,


Assalamulaikum wr.wb,

We would like to inform you that the publication process for 2024 has now closed. We are pleased to announce that the journal quota for this year has been met. Therefore, for those of you who have submitted manuscripts for processing, we will continue the process in parallel with the restructuring of our journal.
We appreciate every contribution that has been made and hope to be able to continue the publication opportunity in the next year's edition, namely 2025. We are committed to continuously improving the quality and relevance of our journal, as well as providing space for research that is beneficial to the academic community.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation. We hope to continue to establish a good relationship in the future.


Best regards,

Dr. Arief Bowo Prayoga Kasmo
Editor in Chief
Jurnal MIX


Posted: 2024-12-19