Store Layout and Purchase Intention: Unraveling a Complex Nexus on Indonesian Minimarket

Elkana Timotius, R Dimas Widya Putra


Objectives: The store layout in a minimarket is a strategy to encourage repeat purchases from customers. This study attempts to assess the layout design of the minimarket in Indonesia and comprehend its contribution to purchase intention.

Methodology: This research observed two well-known minimarkets in Indonesia, namely Alfamart and Indomaret. A literature review associated with field findings was conducted to find their relationship to consumer purchase intention.

Finding: Consumers' shopping behavior in minimarket retail stores in Indonesia does not show much difference from the behavior of consumers in other countries. Consumers will not linger in a store that is generally not too large. They come to minimarket retail stores not for "window shopping" but have planned beforehand on the products that they will buy.

Conclusion: A grid design in the minimarket is effective to shape consumer behavior by directing their movement, shopping effectiveness, and control. However, it needs a product display management that arouses interest in buying that invokes the feeling of completion and diversity, but also does not look too full and messy.


Retail Business; Minimarket; Store Layout; Purchase Intention; Shopping Behavior

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MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
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Journal DOI: 10.22441/jurnal_mix
P-ISSN: 2088-1231
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