The Influence of Tourist Satisfaction against the Intention to Revisit of the Indonesian Tourist to Malaysia

Suadhe Rahmat Siregar, Rini Tresnasari


Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the destination image and return intention perceived value directly and indirectly through the Indonesian tourist satisfaction in Malaysia.

Methodology: This study is using survey research tools and a quantitative research methodology. A multivariate technique for comparing exogenous and endogenous variables is SmartPls Indonesian visitors participated in the survey, of which 136 respondents used travel services in Malaysia.

Findings: The first hypothesis (H1) is accepted since the path coefficient value (β) = 0.424, the significance value (-0.000) is less than 0.05, and the t value is 2.289 < t table = 1.97. Similarly, as the ∆ value of 0.00 is less than 0.05, the hypothesis tests H2, H3, and H4 are approved. However, hypothesis H5 is not significant. The mediation hypothesis (H6) is supported by a 


Keywords: Intention to Revisit; Tourist’ Satisfaction; Destination Attractiveness

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MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
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Journal DOI: 10.22441/jurnal_mix
P-ISSN: 2088-1231
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