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Journal title | SINERGI |
Initials | SINERGI |
Online ISSN | 2460-1217 |
Print ISSN | 1410-2331 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 1 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 79/E/KPT/2023 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (February, June, and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/sinergi by |
Editor-in-chief | Prof. Dr. Andi Adriansyah. |
Publisher | Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Scopus; Google Scholar; Garuda Ristekbrin, DOAJ, BASE, and EBSCO. |
SINERGI is a peer-reviewed international journal published three times a year in February, June, and October. The journal is published by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana. Each publication contains articles comprising high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, review papers, and literature reviews that are closely related to the fields of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, Civil, Chemical and Architecture). The theme of the paper is focused on new industrial applications and energy development that synergize with global, green and sustainable technologies. The journal registered in the CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The journal has been indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, BASE, and EBSCO.
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Journal title | MIX : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen |
Initials | Jurnal MIX |
Online ISSN | 2460-5328 |
Print ISSN | 2088-1231 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 2 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (February, June, and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jurnal_mix by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/Jurnal_Mix/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Arief Bowo Prayoga Kasmo, Ph.D |
Publisher | Master of Management, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, DOAJ, Sinta, Garuda, Dimensions |
MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen with ISSN: 2460-5328 (online) and ISSN: 2088-1231 (printed), is a peer review journal that publishes the results of empirical research that has strong novelty with reference to the latest journals and contributes greatly to scientific development in the fields of Management and Business Sciences.
MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, functional areas on Management and Business Sciences, such as: Marketing, Green Management, Finance and Banking, Strategic Management, Operation Management, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Management Information Systems, E-business, AI on Business, International Business, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Islamic Finance and Banking, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship.
MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen is published by the Faculty of Economics and Business under the Master of Management Program Universitas Mercu Buana. MIX Journal is published thrice a year in February, June and October. The teams of MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen will review all submitted manuscripts by external and internal Editorial Team and Reviewers. The manuscripts will be reviewed by double-blind peer reviewer.
MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen is indexed/accredited SINTA2 by Kemenristek/BRIN the Republic of Indonesia letter number: 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025. MIX: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen has received a SINTA 2 rating starting from Volume 12 Issue 3 Year 2022 until Volume 17 Issue 2 Year 2027.
As in progress, we have made continuously improvement for the journal, New Author Guidelines and New Article Template have been provided to help the Author to prepare a proper manuscript.
Before submission, all Authors must read and review the Author Guidelines and Article Template properly to make sure have understood the content of the Guidelines and Template.
All manuscripts must follow the Guidelines and Template properly and also provide contact information for communication purposes (email and mobile phone). All manuscripts must be submitted online through Open Journal System (OJS).
For further information, the Author may email the Journal administration contact: [email protected]
MIX Journal will only accept and publish manuscript in English and no other languages will be accepted.
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Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Science (JIESS)
Journal title | Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Science (JIESS) |
Initials | JIESS |
Print ISSN | 2722-7499 |
Online ISSN | 2722-7111 |
Accreditation Status | Accreditated Sinta 3rd, Decree No:No. 225/E/KPT/2022 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (May & November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jiess by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jiess/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Shinta Melzatia, S.E., M.Ak. |
Publisher | IAEI Komisariat - Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Dimension; Garuda; Crossref; BASE; ROAD; Worldcat; Scilit; IOS Perpusnas |
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences (JIESS) is a peer-reviewed journal that has focused on primary studies at Islamic Economics (Management & Business, Accounting, Banking, Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneur) and Social Sciences (Tourism, Culture, Psychology, Education, and Sociology) from Islamic Perspective for initiating the development of global economic advantages. JIESS is dedicated to provide an intellectual space of scholarly discussion on how the Islamic economics are able to create the new global formation of Islamic economics, business and similar issues.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Social Sciences (JIESS) is available in a Print version and Online version published by IAEI Komisariat Universitas Mercu Buana and was regularly published 2 (two) times in 1 (one) year, ie in May and November.
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Profita : Komunikasi Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Perpajakan
Journal title | Profita : Komunikasi Ilmiah Akuntansi & Perpajakan |
Initials | Profita |
Print ISSN | 2086-7662 |
Online ISSN | 2622-1950 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 3 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 200/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/profita by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/Profita/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Prof. Dr. Wiwik Utami, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA. |
Managing Editor | Yananto Mihadi Putra, SE., M.Si. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Citation Analysis | Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, DOAJ, Copernicus, Sinta, Garuda, EBSCO, BASE, and more. |
Profita: Komunikasi Ilmiah & Perpajakan is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of Accounting and Taxation who jointly published by the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mercu Buana with Institute of Indonesian Chartered Accountants (IAI). This journal discusses the results of research and non-research / study of conceptual and applied sciences related to the field of Accounting and Taxation and available in a Print version (p-ISSN: 2086-7662) and Online version (e-ISSN: 2622-1950).
Profita: Komunikasi Ilmiah & Perpajakan is one of the periodical scientific publications which is genuinely written by both researcher or practitioners who in the field of Accounting and Taxation to publish the results their writing. The Journal has been registered with CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI), indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Copernicus, Sinta, Garuda, EBSCO, BASE, and more., and was regularly published 3 (three) times in 1 (one) year, i.e. in April, August and December.
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Operations Excellence: Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering
Journal title | Operations Excellence: Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering |
Initials | OE |
Online ISSN | 2654-5799 |
Print ISSN | 2085-4293 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (March, July, and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/oe by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Sawarni Hasibuan, M.T., IPU. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Garuda; Sinta: Dimensions |
Operations Excellence: Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering publish theoretical and empirical articles that are aimed to contrast and extend existing theories and build new theories that contribute to advancing our understanding of phenomena related to industrial engineering and management in organizations, from the perspectives of Quality Engineering, Productivity Improvement, Logistic & Distribution, Supply Chain Management, Performance Management & Improvement System, Modelling, Operations Management, Optimization, Green Manufacturing, and Ergonomic. The contributions can adopt confirmatory (quantitative) or explanatory (mainly qualitative) methodological approaches. Theoretical essays or Literature reviews that enhance the building or extension of theoretical approaches are also welcome. This journal collaborating with Industrial Engineering Higher Education Organizing Cooperation Agency (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri) (https://www.bksti.org/index.php/jurnal/) (see MOA).
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InComTech : Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer
Journal title | InComTech: Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer |
Initials | InComTech |
Online ISSN | 2579-6089 |
Print ISSN | 2085-4811 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 3 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 148/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/incomtech by |
Editor-in-chief | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus |
Managing Editor | Dr. Umaisaroh |
Publisher | Magister Teknik Elektro, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Garuda; Sinta |
InComTech: Jurnal Telekomunikasi dan Komputer is a peer-reviewed journal for academics, practitioners and other activists in the field of information, telecommunications and computers (ICT) to publish their works. Areas covered by this journal include technology, business, and regulation in the field of ICT, such as IP technology, Wireless technology, Internet of Things, Microwaves, digital broadcasting, optical fiber, ICT business strategy, human resources ICT, business planning, NGN regulation, security in ICT, cyberlaw.
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IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
Journal title | IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management |
Initials | IJIEM |
Online ISSN | 2745-9063 |
Print ISSN | 2614-7327 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 3 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 225/E/KPT/2022 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year ( February, June, and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/ijiem by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Humiras Hardi Purba |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Garuda; |
IJIEMis a peer-reviewed journal published 3 times a year in February, June and October. The journal is published by Postgraduate Program, Master of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana. The IJIEM publishes articles containing theoretical and empirical original research papers, review papers, and literature reviews that are closely related to the fields of Industrial Engineering, Supply chain, Engineering System and Operation Management. The theme of paper is focused on up to date industrial engineering applications and supply chain management that synergizing with national industrial development program in Indonesia. ISSN (Print) : 2614-7327 & ISSN (Online) : 2745-9063.
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Jurnal Teknologi Elektro
Journal title | Jurnal Teknologi Elektro |
Initials | JTE |
Print ISSN | 2086-9479 |
Online ISSN | 2621-8534 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Acreditated Journal, Decree No. 200/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (January, May, and September) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jte by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jte/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Eng. Heru Suwoyo, ST., M.Sc |
Managing Editor | Muhammad Hafizd Ibnu Hajar, ST., M.Sc. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda. |
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro is a peer-reviewed journal for academics, practitioners and other activists in the field of Electrical Engineering to publish their works. Areas covered by this journal include Industrial Application, Green Technology and Renewable Energy, such as Power, Control, Robotic, Mechatronic, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded System, Health Information System, Internet of Things, Wirelees Technology, Microwaves/Milimeterswaves Technology, Telecommunication, Antenna.
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Jurnal PASTI (Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sistem dan Teknik Industri)
Journal title | Jurnal PASTI (Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sistem dan Teknik Industri) |
Initials | Pasti |
Online ISSN | 2598-4853 |
Print ISSN | 2085-5869 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Accredited Journal, Decree No.36/E/KPT/2019 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/pasti by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/pasti/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Uly Amrina |
Managing Editor | Adizty Suparno, ST, MT |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda, Sinta |
The Jurnal PASTI (Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sistem dan Teknik Industri) is published 3 (three) times a year, ie in April, August and December. The editors receive scientific papers on research results that are closely related to the research and application of Industrial Systems & Engineering.
The PASTI Journal has been nationally indexed by Google Scholar, Neliti.com, and Garuda.
Based on the results of the Scientific Journal Accreditation Period VII of 2019 and the issuance of the Decree of the Director-General of Research Strengthening and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 36/E/KPT/2019, dated December 31, 2019, Jurnal PASTI (Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sistem dan Teknik Industri) is listed as the Grade 4 (Sinta 4).
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Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO
Journal title | Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO |
Initials | FIFO |
Online ISSN | 2502-8332 |
Print ISSN | 2085-4315 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (May and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/fifo by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Ruci Meiyanti, M.Kom. |
Publisher | Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Sinta; Garuda |
Jurnal Ilmiah FIFO UMB diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komputer merupakan hasil penelitian konseptual dan ilmu terapan serta berfokus pada isu Ilmu Komputer, Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi. Artikel ilmiah yang diterbitkan telah dilakukan proses review dan diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun pada bulan MEI dan NOVEMBER. Redaksi menerima sumbangan tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan di media lain.Ketentuan penulisan dapat dilihat pada FIFO TEMPLATE
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Rekayasa Sipil
Journal title | Rekayasa Sipil |
Initials | JRS |
Print ISSN | 2252-7699 |
Online ISSN | 2598-5051 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Accredited Journal, No. 105/E/KPT/2022, from 7 April 2022, until 7 April 2027 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (February and September) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jrs by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jrs/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Muhammad Isradi , S.T., M.T., Ph.D |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda |
Rekayasa Sipil merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan secara berkala 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 tahun, yakni pada bulan Februari dan September oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Mercu Buana. Jurnal ini terbit pertama kali pada bulan Februari 2012. Naskah dalam jurnal ini berupa hasil penelitian, inovasi-inovasi baru, makalah teknik (makalah lengkap), diskusi (berdasarkan makalah yang terbit sebelumnya) dalam bidang Teknik Sipil. Untuk mengirimkan atau mengupload naskah dapat menghubungi email: [email protected].
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Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan
Journal title | Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan dan Lingkungan |
Initials | Vitruvian |
Online ISSN | 2598-2982 |
Print ISSN | 2088-8201 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Accredited Journal, Decree No 105/E/KPT/2022 Tanggal 7 April 2022 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (March, July, and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/vitruvian by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. (Cand) Christy Vidiyanti, S.T., M.T. |
Deputy Editor | Dr. (Cand) Mona Anggiani, S.T., M.T. |
Publisher | Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Garuda; Sinta; and BASE |
Article Processing Charge | IDR 500.000 |
Jurnal Ilmiah VITRUVIAN adalah jurnal yang mencakup artikel bidang ilmu arsitektur, bangunan, dan lingkungan. Jurnal ilmiah Vitruvian terbit secara berkala yaitu 3 (tiga) kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November. Redaksi menerima tulisan ilmiah tentang hasil penelitian yang berkaitan erat dengan bidang arsitektur, bangunan, dan lingkungan. Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan, dan Lingkungan telah mendapatkan peringkat Sinta 4. Untuk info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi [email protected]
Vitruvian : Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan, dan Lingkungan mendapatkan nomor ISSN untuk terbitan cetak pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2011 dengan periode terbitan tiga kali dalam satu tahun
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Narada : Jurnal Desain dan Seni
Journal title | Narada : Jurnal Desain dan Seni |
Initials | Narada |
Print ISSN | 2477-5134 |
Online ISSN | 2621-5233 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Acreditated Journal, No. 158/E/KPT/2021 on December 9, 2021. Valid from Vol.5(3) 2018 until Vol.10(2) 2023. |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, September, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/narada by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/narada/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Nurlela, S.Sn., M.Ds Email: ([email protected]) |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda Kemdikbud, Sinta, Crossref, Dimensions, Neliti, Citefactor, Onesearch |
Narada: Journal of Design and Art is published by the Faculty of Design and Creative Arts, Mercu Buana University. This journal is a means to publish scientific writing in the form of research results, results of thoughts (conceptual ideas), as well as results of designing works of design and applied art (Applied Art) within the scope of the fields of design and fine arts which include interior design, product design, fashion design, multimedia design, visual communication design, photography, Design IPR (Intelectual Property Right), Design Copyright as well as expansion fields aimed at developing these fields of knowledge. Narada: Journal of Design and Art is published three times a year, namely in April, September and December. NARADA Journal of Design and Art accepts articles written in Indonesian. Currently, according to NARADA's notification letter: Journal of Design and Art has received a SINTA 4 rating starting from Volume 5 Issue 3 December 2018. For further information, please contact [email protected].
Narada: Jurnal Desain dan Seni diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Desain dan Seni Kreatif, Universitas Mercu Buana. Jurnal ini merupakan sarana untuk mempublikasikan tulisan ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian, hasil pemikiran (gagasan konseptual), serta hasil perancangan karya desain dan seni terapan (Applied Art) dalam ruang lingkup bidang desain dan seni rupa yang mencakup desain interior, desain produk, desain fashion, desain multimedia, desain komunikasi visual, fotografi, HAKI (Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual) Desain, Hak Cipta Desain serta bidang perluasan yang ditujukan untuk mengembangkan bidang ilmu tersebut. Narada: Jurnal Desain dan Seni terbit sebanyak tiga kali dalam setahun, yakni pada bulan April, September, dan Desember. NARADA Jurnal Desain dan Seni menerima artikel yang ditulis menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia. Saat ini, sesuai dengan surat pemberitahuan NARADA: Jurnal Desain dan Seni telah mendapatkan peringkat SINTA 4 terhitung mulai dari Volume 5 Edisi 3 Desember 2018. Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi [email protected].
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International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials
Journal Title | International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials |
Abbreviation & Initials | Int. J. Innov. Mech. Eng. Adv. Mater (IJIMEAM) |
Print ISSN | 2477-541X |
Online ISSN | 2477-5428 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Acreditated Journal |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/ijimeam by |
Editor in Chief | Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Ir. Darwin Sebayang |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Dimensions, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, Base |
Previous URL | http://umb-intl-journal.com/index.php/ijimeam (since 2021, moved to new website) |
ABOUT US - The International Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Materials (IJIMEAM) was established in 2015 by Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Darwin Sebayang and colleagues from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia. The journal was previously hosted at the URL: http://umb-intl-journal.com/index.php/ijimeam but has permanently relocated to http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/ijimeam, starting from the edition published in 2021.
IJIMEAM is a scientific open-access journal published in English, featuring theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles released three times a year. It is accessible both online (e-ISSN: 2477-5428) and in print (p-ISSN: 2477-541X). Contributions to IJIMEAM should contribute to the advancement and comprehension of phenomena related to all aspects of mechanical engineering and advanced materials.
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Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis
Journal title | Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis (JIMB) |
Initials | JIMB |
Print ISSN | 2460-8424 |
Online ISSN | 2655-7274 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 4 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (March, July, and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jimb by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jimb/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Tine Yuliantini, S.Par., M.M. |
Journal Manager | Dian Primanita Oktasari, S.E., M.M. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda. |
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis is an academic journal published by the Mercubuana University S1 Management Study Program. The aim of JIMB is to promote innovative thinking in the field of management and other related fields who jointly published by the Department of Manajemen, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mercu Buana with Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Berintegritas Indonesia (ALJEBI) and Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI). This journal focuses primarily on promoting research results related to the business environment in Indonesia. The journal focuses on the following topics: General Management, MSME Management, Global Business Management, Competitive Strategies, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Operations and Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Organizational Behavior.
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis has received a SINTA 4 rating starting from Volume 8 Issue 3 Year 2022 until Volume 13 Issue 2 Year 2027.
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Format : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika
Journal title | Format : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika |
Initials | FORMAT |
Print ISSN | 2089-5615 |
Online ISSN | 2722-7162 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 164/E/KPT/2021 ![]() |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (January & July) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/format by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/format/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar |
FORMAT: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of Computer Science who jointly published by the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana. This journal discusses the results of research and non-research / study of conceptual and applied sciences related to the field of Computer Science and available in a Print version (p-ISSN: 2089-5615) and Online version (e-ISSN: 2722-7162).The Journal has been registered with CrossRef system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI), indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE, and more., and was regularly published 2 (two) times in 1 (one) year, i.e. in January and July.
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Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer
Journal title | Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer |
Initials | JITKOM |
Print ISSN | 2548-740X |
Online ISSN | 2621-1491 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Acreditated Journal, Decree No. 200/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (January and July) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jitkom by |
Editor-in-chief | Julpri Andika, ST., M.Sc. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Sinta; Garuda |
Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer (JITKOM) merupakan jurnal ilmiah peer-review yang menyajikan artikel orisinal tentang pengetahuan dan informasi riset atau aplikasi riset dan pengembangan terkini dalam bidang teknologi. Ruang lingkup Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer (JITKOM) meliputi bidang Informatika, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Sistem Informasi dan Teknik Industri.
Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer (JITKOM) hanya akan memproses naskah tulisan ilmiah yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam media lain. Naskah diketik dengan format seperti tercantum pada halaman belakang (Pedoman Penulisan Artikel Pada Jurnal Ilmu Teknik dan Komputer). Naskah yang masuk dievaluasi dan disunting untuk keseragaman format, istilah, dan tata cara lainnya.
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Biopsikososial: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta
Journal title | Jurnal Biopsikososial: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercubuana |
Initials | Biopsikososial |
Print ISSN | 2599-0470 |
Online ISSN | 2598-4918 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 3 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (April and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/biopsikososial by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Dana Riksa Buana |
Managing Editor | Dhani Irmawan |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar |
Jurnal Biopsikososial: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Mercubuana (JBUMB) is an open-access journal that publishes empirical research aimed at advancing our understanding of theoretical issues in the field of psychology with an approaches model of biology, psychology, and social aspects that are interrelated and interact with each other to enable research renewal discussions that can generate new ideas in terms of theory and application. JBUMB is currently managed by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, and jointly published with Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN). Since 2017 JBUMB has officially published both the printed (p-ISSN: 2599-0470) and the online versions of the articles (e-ISSN: 2598-4918).
JBUMB accepts both quantitative and qualitative research from a wide range of scholars, including Indonesian researchers and researchers aboard. We focused on the investigation of clinical, social, physiological, and industrial psychological approach perspectives and sought to develop psychology as both basic science as well an applied science. JBUMB is published bi-annually, in April and October. We welcome submissions from scholars, including students, whose work shares relevance to our focus and scope, the manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template. JBUMB adheres to the high standard of the publication process by abiding by the double-blind peer review process to maintain a fair and discriminatory submission process. Submissions are open at any time.
Focus And Scope
JBUMB Jakarta is an open-access journal that publishes empirical research studies and analyses related to clinical, social, physiological, and industrial in psychological approach perspectives.
(examples include but are not limited to: positive psychology, mental health, belief & expectation, interpersonal relationship, physiologic reaction, health psychology, emotional health, social support dynamics, socioeconomic, and psychological intervention).
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Jurnal Teknik Mesin (Journal Of Mechanical Engineering)
Journal title | Jurnal Teknik Mesin (Journal Of Mechanical Engineering) |
Initials | JTM |
Print ISSN | 2089-7235 |
Online ISSN | 2549-2888 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Accredited Journal, Decree No: 204/E/KPT/2022 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (February, June, and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jtm by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jtm/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Muhammad Fitri, Ph.D. Email: ([email protected]) |
Publisher | FT, Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, DOAJ, Garuda |
Jurnal Teknik Mesin (Journal Of Mechanical Engineering) is a Peer-reviewed Journal about Research results, Creative Ideas, Applications and Technology Policy. JTM is available in two versions, namely print (p-ISSN: 2089-7235) and online (e-ISSN: 2549-2888), published 3 (three) times a year in February, June and October. The editors accept scientific articles in the field of Mechanical Engineering and related fields only in English (since may 2024) through the following web pages: http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jtm.
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Jurnal Doktor Manajemen (JDM)
Journal title | Jurnal Doktor Manajemen (JDM) |
Initials | JDM |
Print ISSN | 2622-5352 |
Online ISSN | 2622-9285 |
Grade | Sinta 3 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (April and September) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jdm by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jdm/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Ririn Wulandari |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, Dimension. |
Jurnal Doktor Manajemen (JDM) is a scientific journal for education staff, lecturers, professionals, students, and partners who want to share their scientific work, based on scientific research, which includes knowledge in the fields of Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Finance.
Jurnal Doktor Manajemen (JDM) has received a SINTA 3 rating starting from Volume 5 Issue 2 Year 2022 until Volume 10 Issue 1 Year 2027.
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Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis
Journal title | Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis |
Initials | Indikator |
Print ISSN | 2598-6783 |
Online ISSN | 2598-4888 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Acreditateed Journal, No. 200/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (January, April and August) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/indikator by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/indikator/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Asep Risman, SE; MM |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar, SINTA, Copernicus, Crossref, Neliti, Garuda, ResearchGate, EuroPub, BASE, WorldCat, Dimensions, PKP Index, Academia, |
INDIKATOR is an international scientific journal of management and business, published three times a year in January, April and August. The journal scope and focus are finance management, human resource management and marketing management
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International Humanities and Applied Science Journal
Journal title | International Humanities and Applied Science Journal (IHASJ) |
Initials | IHASJ |
Print ISSN | 2655-6553 |
Online ISSN | 2622-5808 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Acreditated Journal, No. 200/M/KPT/2020 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August, and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/ihasj by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/ihasj/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Devy Mawarnie Puspitasari |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda Ristekbrin, Sinta |
International Humanities and Applied Science Journal (IHASJ), published online version, is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year (April, August, and December) by the International Class of Universitas Mercu Buana. IHASJ is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on humanities and applied science. IHASJ invites manuscripts in the humanities topics such as management, business, accounting, communication, psychology, art and design, and also applied science such as; computer science and engineering. The papers are written in English, using APA citation style and single-column layout.
EISSN : 2622 - 5808
PISSN : 2655 - 6553
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Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM)
Journal title | Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) |
Initials | JAM |
Print ISSN | 2460-352X |
Online ISSN | 2685-5623 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Acreditated Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March and September) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jam by |
Editor-in-chief | Rizki Briandana, M.Comm., Ph.D. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar; Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Sinta; Garuda; IOS Perpusnas; ROAD; CrossRef; BASE; PKP Index; |
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) published since September 2015 by Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPM) Universitas Mercu Buana. JAM Journal is published two times a year (on-line). Therefore, the JAM Journal has two numbers of Issues in March and September. Each Issue contains 10 articles. The aim of Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) is to publish the result of community services activities from the perspective of Technology, Entrepreneurship and Social Society.
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat (JAM) has received a SINTA 5 rating starting from Volume 8 Issue 1 Year 2022 until Volume 12 Issue 2 Year 2026.
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Jurnal Visi Komunikasi
Journal title | Jurnal Visi Komunikasi |
Initials | Visikom |
Print ISSN | 1412-3037 |
Online ISSN | 2581-2335 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Accredited Journal |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (May and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/visikom by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/viskom/oai by ![]() |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Sinta |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, DOAJ |
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi [p-ISSN: 1412-3037 | e-ISSN: 2581-2335] has been published since 2007 byFakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal Visi Komunikasi is a bi-annual journal issued on May and November. It consists of research-based articles and /or conceptual articles in communications (see Focus and Scope). The publisher only accepts an original work, which has not been published elsewhere. The article should be submitted through this site in accordance with our format (see Author Guidelines). Submitted article will be reviewed and edited for format uniformity, term, and other procedures. Jurnal Visi Komunikasi was indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database, Garuda, Sinta: Science & Technology Index
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Marcommers : Jurnal Marketing Communication and Advertising
Journal title | Marcommers : Jurnal Marketing Communication and Advertising |
Initials | Marcommers |
Print ISSN | 2086-5619 |
Online ISSN | 2714-5255 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditad Journal |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (March and October) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/marcommers by |
Editor-in-chief | Santa Margaretha Niken Restaty |
Managing Editor | Christina Arsi Lestari |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Marcommers diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta. Jurnal ini dimaksudkan sebagai media informasi dan forum pembahasan masalah keilmuan, praktik komunikasi di Indonesia dan International. berisi tulisan ilmiah populer berupa ringkasan hasil penelitian atau gagasan orsinial dibidang ilmu komunikasi yang mencerahkan dan membuka wawasan.
Redaksi mengundang para ahli, sarjana komunikasi di Indonesia untuk berdiskusi dan menulis secara bebas dan kreatif sambil berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat luas.
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Buana Media Watch
Journal title | Buana Media Watch |
Initials | BMW |
Print ISSN | 1978-8959 |
Online ISSN | 3063-5055 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditation |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (February and August) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/bmw |
Editor-in-chief | Mardhiyyah Januar |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
Buana Media Watch Journal [p-ISSN: 1978-8959] has been published since 2008 by Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia. Buana Media Watch Journal is a journal published in February and August. Consists of research-based articles and/or conceptual articles in the field of communication, especially Broadcasting and Media Studies. The scope of the theme of the Buana Media Watch Journal is Film Studies, Broadcasting, Online Journalism, Mass Media, Digital Streaming Studies, Media Studies, Community Media Studies, Content and Framing Analysis, and Audience Studies. Buana Media Watch Journal seeks to be accredited in 2026.
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TERAKOTA : Jurnal Poster Arsitektur, Interior dan Rancang Kota
Journal title | TERAKOTA : Jurnal Poster Arsitektur, Interior dan Rancang Kota |
Initials | TERAKOTA |
Online ISSN | 3031-6715 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditad Journal |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (August and February) |
DOI Journal | |
Editor-in-chief | Endah Mustikowati, S.T., M.T |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
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Mercu Buana Press
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Corporate and Marketing Communication
Initials | |
Online ISSN | Submission |
ISBN | 978-623-95623-0-4 |
Editor-in-chief | |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing | |
Type | Conference Proceedings |
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Media and Cultural Studies
Initials | |
Online ISSN | Submission |
ISBN | 978-623-92585-9-7 |
Editor-in-chief | |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing | |
Type | Conference Proceedings |
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TEKUN: Jurnal Telaah Akuntansi dan Bisnis
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Communication in The Digital Age
Initials | |
Online ISSN | Submission |
ISBN | 978-623-92585-8-0 |
Editor-in-chief | |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing | |
Type | Conference Proceedings |
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MediaKom : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi
Journal title | MediaKom : Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi |
Initials | MediaKom |
Print ISSN | 1979-0139 |
Online ISSN | 2597-4793 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditad Journal |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (June and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/mediakom by |
Editor-in-chief | Prof. Dr. Nur Kholisoh,M.Si |
Managing Editor | Novi Erlita, S.Sos., M.A |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda |
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Merpsy Journal
Journal title | Merpsy Journal |
Initials | Merpsy |
Print ISSN | 2985-3788 |
Online ISSN | 2964-920x |
Accreditation Status | Accreditation Process |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (May and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/merpsy by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Dearly |
Managing Editor | Mrs Melani Aprianti |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Merpsy Journal is an open-access journal that publishes empirical research aimed at advancing our understanding of theoretical issues in the field of psychology with an approaches model of biology, psychology, and social aspects that are interrelated and interact with each other to enable research renewal discussions that can generate new ideas in terms of theory and application. Merpsy Journal is currently managed by the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta and jointly published with Konsorsium Psikologi Ilmiah Nusantara (KPIN). Since 2021, Merpsy Journal has officially published both the printed (p-ISSN: 2985-3788) and the online versions of the articles (e-ISSN: 2964-920x).
Merpsy Journal accepts both quantitative and qualitative research from a wide range of scholars, including Indonesian researchers and researchers aboard. We focused on the investigation of clinical, social, physiological, and industrial in psychological approach perspective and seek to develop psychology as both basic sciences as well as applied science. Merpsy Journal is published bi-annually, in May and November. We welcome submissions from scholars, including students, whose work shares relevance to our focus and scope, the manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template. Merpsy Journal adheres to the high standard of the publication process by abiding by the double-blind peer review process to maintain a fair and indiscriminatory submission process. Submissions are open at any time.
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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nasional
Journal title | Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nasional |
Initials | PEMANAS |
Print ISSN | 2985-914X |
Online ISSN | 2962-4533 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Accredited Journal, Decree No 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (April and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/pemanas by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Hadi Santoso, S.Kom., M.Kom |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE |
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nasional
Jurnal Ilmiah yang di kelola oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dengan Prodi Teknik Informatika merupakan sebuah wadah jurnal yang mempunyai lingkup pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan berbagai tema bidang keilmuan selama masih berhubungan dengan rumpun ilmu komputer. Jurnal ini di terbitkan oleh Teknik Informatika Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta secara berkala 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan April dan November.
E- ISSN Jurnal Pemanas : 2962 - 4533
P - ISSN Jurnal Pemanas : 2985-914X
Redaksi mengundang para dosen untuk menulis secara bebas dan kreatif sambil berinteraksi dengan masyarakat luas tentang masalah-masalah yang di hadapi untuk di pecahkan secara akademis.
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Teropong : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Journal title | Teropong : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis |
Initials | Teropong |
Print ISSN | 2086-8162 |
Online ISSN | 2964-8734 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditad Journal |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (April, August and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/teropong by |
Editor-in-chief | Vidya Ayu Diporini |
Managing Editor | Rachi Titi Ramadhani Sari |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
TEROPONG: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis with ISSN: 2086-8162 (printed), is published by Diploma in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mercu Buana. TEROPONG Journal is published thrice a year in April, August, and December. TEROPONG Journal will review all submitted manuscripts by external and internal Editorial Team and Reviewers. The manuscripts will be reviewed by double-blind peer reviewer.
TEROPONG Journal invites Author to submit articles with the following scopes: Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Operation and Flexibility Management, Accounting and Financial Management, Consumer Behavior, Startup Digital Management, Small and Medium Enterprises, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event Management, Corporate Governance and Strategic Management, other Management and Business disciplines.
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Journal of Fundamental Management (JFM)
Journal title | Journal of Fundamental Management (JFM) |
Initials | JFM |
Print ISSN | 2775-4480 |
Online ISSN | 2775-6300 |
Accreditation Status | Sinta 5 Accredited Journal, Decree No. 0173/C3/DT.05.00/2025 |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (March, July and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jfm by |
OAI Journal | http://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/jfm/oai by ![]() |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Erna Imaningsih |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Indexing | Google Scholar, Garuda |
Journal of Fundamental Management is an academic journal published by the Mercubuana University S1 Management Study Program. The aim of JFM is to promote innovative thinking in the field of management and other related fields. This journal focuses primarily on promoting research results related to the business environment in Indonesia. The journal focuses on the following topics: General Management, MSME Management, Global Business Management, Competitive Strategies, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Operations and Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Organizational Behavior.
Journal of Fundamental Management (JFM) is available in a Print version and Online version published by Universitas Mercu Buana and was regularly published 3 (three) times in 1 (one) year, ie in March, July and November
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Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Sosial (JIES)
Journal title | Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Sosial (JIES) |
Initials | JIES |
Print ISSN | 2301-9263 |
Online ISSN | 2621-0371 |
Accreditation Status | In the Assessment Process on the National Journal Accreditation System (ARJUNA) |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (March, July, and November) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jies by |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Erna Setiany,SE., M.Si |
Managing Editor | Amirudin Wibowo, SE., M.M. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar; Garuda Kemdikbud; ROAD; Neliti; BASE; Worldcat; Copernicus |
JURNAL ILMU EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL (JIES) is a single-blind peer-reviewed, quarterly, multidisciplinary research journal in the field of Economics and Social Sciences who published by the Research Center, Universitas Mercu Buana. This journal discusses the results of conceptual and applied science research relating to the fields of economics and social sciences and available in Printable version (p-ISSN: 2301-9263) and Online versions (e-ISSN: 2621-0371)
JURNAL ILMU EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL (JIES) is specifically interested in publishing innovative papers in the fields of Economics (such as Economics, Econometrics, Finance, Business, Management, and Accounting) and Social Science (organizational, politics, media and communication, environmental communication, audience studies, social issues, social work, social welfare and studies woman).
JURNAL ILMU EKONOMI DAN SOSIAL (JIES) Only processes scientific article manuscripts that have never been published in other publications. The scientific article manuscript is typed in the format as listed on the back page (Article Writing Guidelines in the Journal of Economic and Social Sciences) Manuscripts included were evaluated and edited for uniformity in formats, terms and other procedures.
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SWOT : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen
Jurnal SWOT : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Manajemen dengan ISSN: 2087-8877 adalah Jurnal di Bidang Manajemen yang diterbitkan oleh Magister Manajemen Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta secara berkala 3 (tiga) kali dalam setahun.
Jurnal SWOT memuat hasil penelitian dan pemikiran konseptual di Bidang Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Keuangan dan Manajemen Operasional.
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Anggada : Jurnal Desain dan Seni
Journal title | Anggada - Jurnal Desain dan Seni |
Initials | Anggada |
Print ISSN | |
Online ISSN | |
Accreditation Status | |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (November, March, and July) |
DOI Journal | |
OAI Journal |
Editor-in-chief | |
Publisher | |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
anggada - Jurnal Karya Desain dan Seni adalah jurnal peer-review yang fokus pada hasil perancangan karya, ide konseptual, hasil studi yang menggunakan pendekatan pada bidang desain dan seni.
anggada mengundang pada para peneliti dan mahasiswa untuk berkontribusi melalui hasil perancangan bidang desain: (1) Desain Komunikasi Visual, termasuk desain publikasi, desain grafis, desain periklanan, desain media digital, desain identitas visual, desain ilustrasi, desain interaktif, fotografi, tipografi; (2) Desain Interior, meliputi desain ruang dalam, desain furnitur, desain pencahayaan, restorasi dan renovasi ; (3) Desain Produk, termasuk desain prototype, desain fashion, desain mainan, desain kemasan.
Selain itu, hasil perancangan dalam bidang seni rupa: seni lukis, seni patung, seni grafis, seni fotografi, seni video, seni kriya dan seni arsitektur.
Jurnal ini diterbitkan tiga kali dalam setahun (November, Maret, Juli) oleh Fakultas Desain dan Seni Kreatif Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta. Jurnal ini adalah forum akademis bagi sarjana dan peneliti di lapangan untuk membedah dan mempublikasikan temuan baru mereka ke dalam komunitas global. Dengan demikian, karya mereka dapat diakui dan dibaca oleh khalayak umum.
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Jurnal RekayasA
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Jurnal Pena-Mas Akuntansi
Journal title | Jurnal Pena-Mas Akuntansi |
Initials | PENA-MAS |
Print ISSN | 2723-2565 |
Online ISSN | 2723-2352 |
Accreditation Status | |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (July and December) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/jpma by |
Editor-in-chief | Yananto Mihadi Putra |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
The Jurnal Pena-Mas Akuntansiaims to be a medium for disseminating research in the field of Accounting, both in quantitative and qualitative approaches, including, but not limited to, topics in Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting, Islamic Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Public Accounting, Auditing, and other accounting studies.
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Jurnal Dewanagari
Jurnal DEWANAGARI adalah Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Desain dan Seni yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Desain dan Seni Kreatif Universitas Mercu Buana, terbit sebanyak 3 kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Februari, Juni dan Oktober.
Tujuan publikasi jurnal ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan pemikiran atau gagasan konseptual dan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dewanagari, yang secara khusus berfokus pada isu-isu kunci pengembangan keterampilan dalam pelayanan publik, untuk bidang desain, sosial, dan humaniora.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Dewanagari merupakan jurnal nasional yang menyajikan artikel hasil diseminasi kegiatan berbasis penelitian lintas disiplin ilmu desain yang dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi masyarakat, yang dilakukan oleh dosen, praktisi dan mahasiswa.
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Journal of New Energies and Manufacturing
Journal Title | Journal of New Energies and Manufacturing |
Initials | JONEM |
Online ISSN | 2963-9077 |
Print ISSN | 2964-9129 |
Editor in Chief | I Gusti Ayu Arwati ✉ |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (January, May, and September) |
Publisher | Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mercu Buana |
The Mechanical Engineering Department publishes a Journal of New Energies and Manufacturing (JONEM), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. JONEM is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that mediates the dissemination of academicians, researchers, and practitioners in mechanical engineering. JONEM accepts submissions from all over the world, especially from Indonesia.
JONEM aims to provide a forum for national and international academicians, researchers, and practitioners of mechanical engineering to publish original articles. All accepted papers will be published and freely available to all readers with worldwide visibility and coverage.
The scope of JONEM is the issues of the specific topics in mechanical engineering such as:
- Acoustical engineering
- Aerospace engineering
- Automotive engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Manufacturing engineering
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Microscopy
- Power plant engineering
- Thermal engineering
All articles submitted to this journal can be written in Bahasa and English Language.
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ADI MASSI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Sistem Informasi
Jurnal Ilmiah ADI MASSI ini di kelola oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FASILKOM) pada Program Studi (Prodi) Sistem Informasi (SI) yang merupakan sebuah wadah jurnal yang mempunyai lingkup pengabdian kepada masyarakat dibidang ilmu Sistem Informasi (SI) yang masih berhubungan dengan rumpun ilmu komputer seperti Systems Engineering, Business Intelligence, and Information Technology. Jurnal ini di terbitkan oleh Prodi Sistem Informasi Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta secara berkala 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
Kami dari redaksi mengundang para dosen untuk menulis secara kreatif dan melakukan interaksi dengan masyarakat luas tentang berbagai masalah yang dapat dipecahkan didalam rumpun ilmu Sistem Informasi
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Reputasi : Jurnal Public Relations
Journal title | Reputasi : Jurnal Public Relations |
Initials | Reputasi |
Print ISSN | 1858-4381 |
Online ISSN | 3063-5918 |
Accreditation Status | |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (January and July) |
DOI Journal | 10.22441/reputasi |
Editor-in-chief | Siti Muslichatul Mahmudah |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | |
Indexing |
REPUTASI - Jurnal Public Relations Universitas Mercu Buana yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi khususnya bidang studi Public Relations merupakan pengembangan luaran dari hasil penelitian yang mencakup tema antara lain ; Public Relations, Corporate Communication, Event Management, Management Public Relations, Management Reputation, Digital Public Relations, Media Monitoring, Organizational Communication, dan Consumer Relation.
Artikel yang akan diterbikan telah melalui proses review baik secara teknis maupun substansi. Periode terbit yaitu 2 (dua) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun pada bulan JANUARI dan JULI. Artikel yang dikirimkan dan akan diterbitkan ialah tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan pada media lain. Ketentuan penulisan artikel pada jurnal ini dapat dilihat pada TEMPLATE JURNAL REPUTASI.
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) Jakarta dengan tema “Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi dalam Rangka Penyiapan Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul dan Berdaya Saing Internasional”merupakan kajian yang membahas tentang mutu perguruan tinggi menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan suatu bangsa, khususnya dalam proses pendidikan dan penguatan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang kemudian menjadi dedikasi utama UMB secara berkelanjutan.
Salah satu kontribusi untuk pengembangan dan penyiapan mutu tersebut, sekaligus Dies Natalis UMB ke 34 Tahun, maka diselenggarakan Seminar Nasional yang bertempat di The Sakala Tanjung Benoa, Bali, Jumat 29 November 2019.
Seminar Nasional menjadi wadah bagi para praktisi dan akademisi untuk mengekspresikan secara tertulis dan visual, potensinya dalam meneliti, menulis dan mempresentasikan ide ide kreatif. Maka disusunlah Prosiding Seminar Nasional dengan memfokuskan pada kajian multi perspektif yang meliputi Manajemen SDM, Keuangan Berkelanjutan, Teknologi, Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan, Literasi Digital, Konten Industri Kreatif Era 4.0 dan Green Management.
Kajian yang beragam tersebut mendukung pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan nilai universal, yang seyogyanya dimiliki oleh perguruan tinggi, melalui gagasan ilmiah yang telah teruji. Sehingga menjadi sebuah karya ilmiah yang populer, terkini dan memberikan solusi terhadap persoalan sosial kemasyarakatan yang saat ini sedang terjadi. Hal itu berbasiskan pendekatan dan pengetahuan yang multidisipliner.
Semoga Prosiding Seminar Nasional yang disusun dari sejumlah tulisan dapat memenuhi harapan para pembaca, seluruh stakeholder yang berkepentingan, Amin YRA. Secara khusus kami ucapkan Terima Kasih kepada para pemakalah yang telah mengirimkan hasil karyanya, Tim Penyunting dari UMBJ, dukungan Co Host Universitas Ngurah Rai Denpasar, LIPI, Tim Desainer, para Moderator serta pihak pihak yang mendukung tersusunnya Prosiding Seminar Nasional ini.
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forkepti I4.0 Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
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Proceeding Sinaptika
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Journal Collabits
Journal title | Collabits Journal |
Initials | Collabits |
Print ISSN | 3062-8601 |
Online ISSN | 3046-6709 |
Accreditation Status | Non Accreditad Journal |
Frequency | 3 issues per year (January, May and September) |
DOI Journal | |
OAI Journal | |
Editor-in-chief | Siti Maesaroh |
Managing Editor | Yunita Sartika Sari |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Citation Analysis | GoogleScholar |
Indexing | GoogleScholar |
Collabits Journal adalah jurnal yang membahas strategi keamanan cyber untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan keandalan dalam implementasi teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI), kecerdasan bisnis (BI), dan sains data, yang di kelola oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FASILKOM) terdiri dari dua prodi yaitu Teknik Informatika (TI dan Prodi Sistem Informasi (SI). Dengan pertumbuhan pesat dalam penggunaan teknologi ini, keamanan cyber menjadi semakin penting dalam menjaga integritas, kerahasiaan, dan ketersediaan data. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan, alat, dan praktik terbaik dalam mengamankan sistem AI, BI, dan sains data, termasuk deteksi ancaman, enkripsi data, manajemen akses, dan pemulihan bencana. Jurnal ini juga menganalisis dampak kebijakan keamanan cyber pada inovasi teknologi dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan keamanan dalam ekosistem digital yang terus berkembang
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International Symposium on Culture Heritage
The purpose of this symposium is to strengthen and preserve cultural heritage from the perspective of fine arts, performing arts, languages, Fashion Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design, Product Design, and Visual Communication Design. Participants of this symposium are experts, researchers, professionals, academics, organizations, developers, and students who are interested in developing sustainable cultural heritage designs. Through this international symposium, participants can share their insights and knowledge about the preservation of cultural heritage, especially in the field of design.
This symposium carries the concept of local wisdom which can be seen as a response to rationality, and local wisdom towards locality in universality. This event took the main theme "The Power of Cultural Arts in the Post-Pandemic Era", with the aim of involving the participation of interested parties in the development of design cultural heritage, specifically in the post-pandemic era.
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The 19th International Postgraduate Research Colloquium (IPRC)
Journal title | The 19th International Postgraduate Research Colloquium |
Initials | IPRC |
Online ISSN | Submission |
ISBN | - |
Editor-in-chief | Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani Ph.D |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
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Type | Conference Proceedings |
The first International Postgraduate Research Colloquium (IPRC) was co-hosted by the Behavioral Science Research Institute, (BSRI), Srinakharinwirot University (SWU), Thailand and the Department of Psychology, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2004. Following this, the IPRC was co-hosted by each faculty in alternate years; the IIUM hosted IPRC in 2004 and continued in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and February 2021. The BSRI has hosted the event at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok in 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and October 2021. The colloquium is held to provide an avenue of interaction among postgraduate students and academics from Malaysia and Thailand. Every IPRC was held, both faculty members and students (at graduate and PhD levels) are invited to share their research works and proposals at the colloquium. Papers submitted should match the theme of the IPRC. The IPRC invites participants from the universities in the ASEAN region and other countries in ASIA to join this academic exchange.
Since 2014, the organization of the IPRC has expanded to include other universities in Malaysia and Thailand such as Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Selangor, Malaysia and Chiang Mai University (CMU), Thailand. In 2018 Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) participated as presenters in IPRC event and then signed MoU with BSRI and IIUM, and officially joined as part of IPRC in 2019 along with Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Later, In 2021, two more universities joined IPRC: College of Research Methodology and Cognitive Science, Burapha University (BUU), Thailand; and Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University (MU), Thailand.
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Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering
Journal title | Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering |
Initials | MBCIE |
Online ISSN | 2988-4284 |
Current Edition | 6th 2024 |
Editor-in-chief | Dr. Hasbullah, M.T. |
Journal Manager | Indra Setiawan, S.T., M.T. |
Publisher | Universitas Mercu Buana |
Cite Analysis | Google Scholar |
Indexing | Google Scholar |
Type | Conference Proceedings |
Proceeding Mercu Buana Conference on Industrial Engineering merupakan salah satu kajian yang membahas segala aspek ilmu bidang Teknik Industri. Seminar ini diselenggarakan oleh Program Studi Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta. Seminar Nasional yang unik ini menyediakan forum bagi akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi dari berbagai industri untuk bertukar pikiran dan pengalaman serta berbagi perkembangan terkini di bidang teknik industri. Seminar ini telah membahas banyak hal terkait bidang Teknik Industri seperti Management Operation, Quality Engineering, Manufacturing System, Value Engineering, Optimization, Automation Industry, Strategic Management, Production Planning, Risk Management, Service Engineering, Simulation of Industrial System dan topik lainnya. Peneliti dapat mengadopsi pendekatan metodologi confirmatory (kuantitatif) atau explanatory (terutama kualitatif). Research paper atau tinjauan Literatur yang meningkatkan pembangunan atau perluasan pendekatan teoretis juga diterima.
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Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
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Jurnal REVIEWER merupakan wadah bagi para Penulis untuk diberikan penilaian, koreksi dan revisi dari tulisannya dari para Reviewer yang mumpuni dan berpengalaman. Jurnal ini menerima tulisan bidang eksakta (teknik umum, desain dan perancangan sistem) atau bidang sosial humaniora (sosial, komunikasi, ekonomi dan psikologi).
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Jurnal REVIEWER merupakan wadah bagi para Penulis untuk diberikan penilaian, koreksi dan revisi dari tulisannya dari para Reviewer yang mumpuni dan berpengalaman. Jurnal ini menerima tulisan bidang eksakta (teknik umum, desain dan perancangan sistem) atau bidang sosial humaniora (sosial, komunikasi, ekonomi dan psikologi).
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